Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Semuc Champey

Semuc Champey is a beautiful natural reserve. The hype that draws people here is what I am about to describe. Although, when we have the time to upload pics, you will understand a whole lot better.

Semuc Champey is a collection of seven or so natural, crystal clear pools. The pools sit atop a thunderous river, viewable before the pools start. The river disappears into the darkness, and as you continue past from where you can see the river, the crystal clear pools come into site. All are there for your eyes to enjoy, and even better for anyone to go for a swim. The pools gently continue flowing downwards and cascade gently into the next and the next, until utimately the final pool flows into the river that continues on through the countryside.

A trail takes you from the entrance area of the park up for about a 25 minute walk. During the walk, while huffing and puffing, you truely wonder what all this phyiscal exertion is for. But, once the view comes into site, you catch your breath and look in amazement. The view of Semuc Champey is a birds eye view of the pools set within the mountains. The green of the mountains meshes perfectly with the crytsal blue water of the pools.

The area of this natural beauty is set within the central part of Guatemala. Road maps will show one way in and one way out. The reason for this is the pools are surrounded by mountains on three sides.

We spent two days at Semuc Champey, and we discovered one con. Mosquitos will eat you alive. So, if you ever travel to this attraction, bring the long sleeves and the deet! But, that aside, it is definitely worth the visit.

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