Last Sunday, we climbed up an active volcano. Three of the 33 volcanos in Guatemala are active. We left at 6am and got back around 1pm. The hike wasn't so bad, but that's probably because we had some kids with us and were taking lots of breaks

, a blessing since we were at such high altitude. Our guide told us that there were red hot rocks falling from the mountain that day, so we wouldn't be able to go all the way to the crater. It's really interesting, the mountain is lush and green and beautiful until you get closer to the top of the volcano where it's all been burned and is black rock and ash. The most beautiful part for me was the stark contrast between the green and black of the mountain. We did see the black rocks falling with lots of red sparks, we saw a couple of areas that were pure red with lava, and we were able to see lava between the rocks that we were actually climbing and walking on.

It got really hot and humid as we got into the black ash area of the mountain. The guidebooks tell you many stories of robberies in the area, but it seems to be pretty safe. Could be another story at night.
That sounds awesome!!! I so wish I could see for myself! Thanks for the update :)
I remember climbing this volcano and watching a flowing river of lava. We were told to be careful because if you stay too long on the hot rocks, the shoes of your soles will melt. It is a great hike.
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